Twilights Pass

It is murmured in woefully dark library corridors that to the reader of the ancient 8 Kara-sasirr-Yi books of knowledge, dimensional gates open as he uncovers the secrets within their pages. Each one more difficult and more distant in space and time and mind’s madness than the other, the word-feeling-spirit key to each one hidden in the forbidden knowledge of the previous book’s ritual’s. At the end of this road, beyond the corrosive mists of atemporarity lies a world full of the archives of ancient beings from many universes, a warped gathering and mirroring of many dimensions holding great secrets… or possibly great horrors? For of the very few who managed through the 8th portal, none have returned to tell. Was it because of the endless knowledge to be found there… or because of a far darker and more frightening reasons, holding them there for a lugubrious eternity?
